Monday, January 21, 2013


Do you know what SETI is? I think ever body has already known about it. Yes, SETI  is from the initial letters of “the Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence”, SETI is the science by using telescope, radio, and optical to find the signals from alien civilizations on the skies.

The idea of SETI began from the publication of a paper in the British journal Nature by Giuseppe Cocconi and Philip Morrison in 1959. The paper discussed about the possibility of the existence of alien civilizations and how we might be able to detect them. And their conclusion was radio waves that easiest method to detect alien civilizations. Why the scientists chose radio waves to detect signals from other civilizations? It was because radio waves were able to travel the massive distances between stars. Radio waves could be produced with rational amounts of power.

In the 30 years since the early Ozma which was conducted in 1960 by Frank Drake, many other have been carried out for more responsive equipment, overmuch longer time frames, observing the thousands of stars. No further there’re no signals from alien civilizations which had been detected, but the scientist had not to stop giving up, they had begun to scratch the surface. They have known that there’re many skies and frequencies that signals could be received on. Lately, the scientists at the University of California at Berkeley have tied together the internet to attack this problem. And if you wish for joining, here the address is