Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Myths of Chocolate

Who likes chocolate? By the way I like chocolate, it’s not about the taste because chocolate is bitter without sugar, but I confess chocolate reduces my feeling stressed. Chocolate changes my mood, from bad to good even the best feeling. At leisure, I found an article about chocolate myths. The title is “Top 11 Chocolate myths” and thank to Melissa Breyer, Mother Nature Network  who gave me the information about chocolate myths.

Let’s start from germinal of chocolate. The Latin name of cacao tree is Theobroma cacao, it means food of gods. In the 17th century, chocolate in drinking form was a fashionable drink for European elite. They believe it to have nutritious, medicinal and aphrodisiac properties. In recent years, they admit that chocolate lowers the risk of strokes and heart attacks. What a magic chocolate is! You know exact there’s a myths about chocolate, some says chocolate isn’t good as you think for health. Oh let’s check it out!

Those are some myths of chocolate that the most interesting for me.
  • Is that true that chocolate increases bad cholesterol? Even as it’s true that chocolate contains cocoa butter, which is high in cholesterol. But study has confirmed that chocolate doesn’t raise bad cholesterol, and for some people chocolate actually lowers cholesterol levels.
  • Chocolate activates tooth decay and cavities. Study from Osaka University in Japan found that parts of cocoa bean, the main ingredient of chocolate can impede mouth bacteria and tooth decay.
  • Chocolate makes you gain weight. I remembered it when my friend refused to eat chocolate though it’s an ounce chocolate bar and said she was diet. What the heck? :D But you know a large study funded by the National Institutes of Health found this: Consuming a small amount of chocolate each of five days during a week was linked to a lower BMI, even if the person ate more calories overall and didn't exercise more than other participants.
  • Eating sugar and chocolate can add to stress. A study found that eating about an ounce and a half of dark chocolate a day for two weeks reduced levels of stress hormones in the bodies of people feeling highly stressed.
  • Chocolate causes acne that what my friends tell me. In fact, an extensive review in the Journal of the American Medical Association concluded that "diet plays no role in acne treatment in most patients … even large amounts of chocolate have not clinically exacerbated acne."
These are some myths of chocolate I shared to you. Chocolate is benefit. So what are you waiting for? I recommend you to Eat Chocolate!

PS photo of chocolate