Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Health Benefits in Spices

Have you added your food with spices? If you’ve not done yet, why don’t you add some spices to your food. Researcher revealed that spices were good for our health. You’ve probably already known that spices are benefit for us. At this point I’m gonna share the benefits of some spices.

Chili, who doesn’t like chili at all? If you don’t like chili, I suggest you must be fond of chili. Capsaicin in chili has already known as a good fat burner. Chili can be anti-inflammatory. And study found that chili improves circulation, enhances memory, and opens respiratory passages. Chili usually uses with meat, chicken and poultry. Chili is fashionable in Asian and Mexican dishes.

Garlic, actually I don’t like the smell of garlic, but who knows garlic has many vitamins and minerals contained in it. There’re vitamins A, B and C as well potassium and selenium, garlic also has a number of beneficial phytochemicals, such as polyphenols and sulfides, and a relatively high amount of adenosine contained in garlic, a biochemical compound which important for cell metabolism. The University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom revealed that garlic could help prevent periodontitis and other diseases of the mucous membrane of the mouth. Morlo a member of Germany's Nutrition and Dietetics Association said "It's been proven that they lower the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood -- blood fat levels”. To have the health benefits of garlic, Morlo suggested to consuming it regularly, preferably every day.

Ginger can be warmed up the body. According to New York Obesity Research Center, about half a teaspoon of dried ginger for a dish or drinks a cup of tea at breakfast, can burn more the calories after eat. Ginger is usually used in many Asian dishes, but also in cakes, biscuits, desserts and with fruit and juices. And my favorite is ginger chips, it’s blended coconut and ginger, the taste is crispy and rather spicy.

Cinnamon can protect against Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Study found that cinnamon could play a role in everyday to manage the blood sugar (glucose) levels and other cardiovascular disease (CVD). Richard Anderson, a scientist at the Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center of the U.S has done studies on cinnamon and diabetes. He said “the spice mimics the action of insulin, the hormone that regulates blood sugar. It may stimulate insulin receptors on fat and muscle cells the same way insulin does. It allows an excess sugar to move out of the blood and into the cells”.

Turmeric has an active ingredient called cur cumin, a compound that rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Study found that turmeric protects and improves health. Turmeric helps prevent and treat : Acne, allergies, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, asthma, cancer, cholesterol problems, colitis (inflammatory bowel disease), cystic fibrosis, depression, dermatitis, type 2 diabetes, eczema, eye infection, flatulence, gallbladder disease, gout, gum disease, heart disease, high blood pressure, itching, liver disease, macular degeneration, obesity, pain, Parkinson’s disease, pollution side effects, psoriasis, rash, scleroderma, stroke, wounds (Aggarwal, 2012).